Friday, April 19, 2013

Building Dreams

Over Easter weekend, my husband and I finally set up an account with our alma mater's credit union to start something near to our hearts--saving for a home. 

We'd been talking about setting up this account for a long time, but there were wedding expenses and then both of us needed new cars, so we had to hold off for a bit on starting our plan.

It felt so good to get this account up and running and to just START. Start saving the money. Start looking towards our future together. Start the building of a dream. 

While I certainly wouldn't have minded if we'd been able to just purchase a home the moment we were married, I really think the way things turned out is much better. Getting married "a little later in life" means you come with so many things already in place and a chunk of your life lived separately (not knocking this, there is something to be said about knowing yourself coming in to a marriage). With this plan though, we are building a dream together, from the ground up, even from the point of saving the money.

How sweet it will be one day to purchase a home together after years of hard work and saving together.   

We'll take our time and when the day comes, maybe we'll build.....

Or maybe we'll find a perfect home that is already built somewhere for us. 

Maybe a sprawling estate like this one...

OK. Probably not. (A girl can dream, right?)

More likely, a humble and quaint abode like this one.... 

No matter if it's found or built, and no matter the square footage or location, it will be the realization of a sweet dream that my husband and I worked together to reach!

Oh, it'll be a good long while before we are ready to purchase, but we are in no rush. 

In the meantime, we are ever so happy and blessed to live near so much of my family. The BEST part is living across the street from these three little munchkins! (My three nieces!)

From L to R: Audrey, Ava and Amelia . This pic is nearly one year old, but it's one of my favs!
Life is good!


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