Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Getting Started Is The Hardest Part - Week 4

Good morning, friends. Congratulations, you've officially made it to the middle of the week! 

How are your personal fitness goals coming along? Since health and wellness is about much more than just burning calories, I've decided to focus my efforts this week on things we put INTO our bodies (as opposed to what we burn off) and some apps that help us track this activity.

Week 4 

1. Vitamins

 I haven't perused the vitamin aisle in quite some time as I was on prescription vitamins during my pregnancy. Before pregnancy, I was taking Women's One-A-Day. When I went looking to purchase a new bottle of vitamins, I was slightly overwhelmed by the choices of vitamins for women (even the ones made by the same manufacturer). 

I purchased a bottle of the Women's One-A-Day brand pictured above, but was left wondering if some other vitamin was "better". It was hard to put down the "More Energy" vitamin bottle, but I decided to since I figured there was a focus on only certain ingredients and I'd thus be left with less of a balanced ingredient menu. Sure enough....

What brand of vitamin do you take? Any recommendations? Also, any recommendations for a brand for men? 

2. Fun iPhone Apps To Keep Me On Track

A.) My Fitness Pal
My Fitness Pal

Many moons ago, I downloaded "My Fitness Pal", but never got around to figuring out how to use it. (Not that it's rocket science--I was just being lazy.) With my recharged fitness efforts, I decided to download the app again when I purchased my new phone. 

I was tickled to discover that the My Fitness Pal app is a little like a mini version of Facebook for health and nutrition--complete with a news feed--and is rather fun. You can add "friends", "like" activity from friends, track your food, exercise and more. I like that you can enter a weight goal and it can tell you how long it would take you if you stay on your current (tracked)fitness and nutrition plan.

B.) Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers

Before our wedding in 2012, I was actually tracking my fitness activity and daily food intake rather well on Weight Watchers. My husband also lost a ton of weight before our wedding by using this app to really keep on top of his diet.

Well, it'd been so long since I'd tracked my food on this app that I'd forgotten my password. (Oops!) I have downloaded this app onto my phone again, and am logged in and tracking!

My husband is also being super supportive by getting back onto WW as well.If you see him, please send him words of encouragement. We all need it from time to time, but especially in the beginning days and weeks when we are getting back into the swing of things after a period of gluttony and being sedentary. :-P

Good luck with Week FOUR!!



  1. Hey! I'm still taking prenatal vitamins - the CVS brand. It was almost identical to Similac pre-natals. Once I stop breast feeding, I'll go back to Women's One-a-Day. I like the regular ones...Not too sure about the special ones. Is there caffeine or something in the energizing kind? Lol

    1. I was taking the regular ones, too, so I think I purchased the right "flavor". ;-) Yes, the energizing kind had boat loads more caffeine. I figure I can get that in my coffee. ;-)

