Friday, April 5, 2013

Fashion Friday

Since it is such a GORGEOUS Friday here in Michigan, I wanted to talk about something frivolous and fun--nail polish!

Recently my manager stopped by my desk and noticed that both my co-worker and I  had the fourth finger on each of our hands painted a different color than the rest of our fingers. She said, "OK you guys, I have to ask. What's up with the one finger on each hand being painted a different color than the rest?"

I must admit, I was somewhat flattered. My manager is statuesque and fashionable, so if she's noticing, I generally feel pretty complimented.

Anyway, so...what IS up with the fourth finger being painted a different color than the rest? The answer is pretty simple--some celebs started it. Much like the popular kids in school, if they're doing it, we all do it.

Online sources have Beyoncé and Vanessa Hudgens as being arguably the first to rock this trend back in 2011.

I saw a great deal of this back in early 2012 when my wedding planning was in overdrive, but never participated until very recently.

Here was my first go at the "fourth finger trend" (also called "accent nail" trend).

As you can see, for my first go at this trend, I went with a subtle pick. I had all the nails painted pink and just had the fourth finger on each hand covered with silver glitter polish.

I've read a ton of stuff about this trend online and have even seen some "how to's" for this trend. Honestly though, much like fashion, there should be very few rules! (If any!) My non-rule rules are:

1. You can pick whatever colors you want! The two colors can be complimentary or totally contrasting--it's up to you, sweetie!

2. The accent finger can be the first, second, third, fourth or fifth finger! YOU pick which finger you want to stand out!

3. You can choose how you want to accent that finger--be it a different color,  a design or just a top embellishment coat, it's all your choice!

The second time I went and got this done, I went slightly more daring...

With a bajillion different variations and options, I don't think I'll tire of this trend for quite some time.

Maybe I'll try the ombre nails next....

Hope you're having a fabulous and fashionable Friday, friends!



  1. I'm currently obsessed with the ombre nails trend and I'm going to get it done on Saturday with shades of purple. So the question is... dark at the base and light at the tip or the other way around?

    1. Ooh, love it! Make sure to Facebook it so we can all see! :)

      Either way looks good (I've looked online at both). The picture I posted on here has the dark (and it's purple, too!) nail on the thumb and I like how it turned out! Go bold! Go for the THUMB!! :)

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