Friday, January 31, 2014

Five on Friday

I know you'll think I'm a little bonkers, but with my being on maternity leave, I actually miss that glorious feeling you get on Friday when you've completed a long week of work. "Ahh, it's Friday!" "What a week! I'm going out for a cocktail because it's Friday!" Do you agree with me? 

Well darlings, YOU don't have to miss that feeling because IT'S FRIDAY!! 
Grab a cup of java and read below as I link up with some of my fav bloggers for...
Let's roll!

1. Baked Oatmeal (& Saturday Brunch)

I pinned this recipe onto my recipes/breakfast board on Pinterest (I'm evangelinesview on there, by the way) some time ago as one of my fav bloggers Christina had blogged about it. I just hadn't gotten around to actually making it. Two weekends ago I made it for the first time and it was so delicious that my husband and I finished the entire pan. Oops! 

2. White Noise Machine

I have an amazing iPhone app (called "Sound Sleeper") with various white noise sounds including fun ones like "car ride" that helps put and keep our little guy to sleep. However, I would often find my phone was not charged enough to run the app for a long time or I didn't want to fumble around with putting the phone in the charger and making extra noise in that one moment he was drifting off (afterwards, I make tons of noise because I don't want a baby that can't sleep through people living life around him). So, I found this little gem as an extra white noise machine to have around. I keep it in his nursery and it is AMAZING. It's reasonably priced, has great sound options to choose from and can be used for both baby and any adult who wants to be lulled into a deep, relaxing sleep.

I'm not saying this machine is necessarily the cause of it, but after weeks of 3 hour blocks of sleep from the baby at a time (many times less), we have experienced 5 hour blocks of sleep or more FOUR nights in the last week. Two nights ago he slept NINE hours straight. There is a God! 

3. Godparents for Jackson

I was going to do an entire blog entry on this with every detail of the day, but some things I thinks should remain a little private and special for those experiencing it and not be overly shared (save for a simple mention). With that said, my husband and I had my sister-in-law, brother and three nieces over last weekend for a brunch, mimosas and merriment. We gave them a very special poem "written by Jackson" that asked them to be his godparents. THEY SAID YES! Jackson is such a lucky little guy to have them as godparents. They are the most amazing parents I know and all-around wonderful people. 

 4. Getting Back Into Shape

I started a fitness challenge for my readers this week. We are starting out slow and building to the plan each week! And the best news about getting back into shape for me? I had my 6 week postpartum checkup this week and the doc OK'ed me to start incorporating weights slowly. Yahoo!

5. Getting Back Into the Swing of School

I groaned this month when school was getting ready to start back up (especially because I'm in another online class this time around), but now that I'm off and running, it's not too awful. :) This class is just one week away from being halfway overwith. After that, only five classes and one thesis to go until I'm finished and have my masters degree in my hand. (December graduation, here I come!)

What are you loving this week??



  1. hey girl hey! congrats on getting back into the swing of things! i jumped into the working out to hard too fast and it took my body forever to heal…so listen to your body and don't overdo it! :) your little guy is so so cute. ps. sound machines are the absolute best. i turn my gal's up full-volume and shut the door. boom. out like a light. :) found you via the linkup! new e-mail follower!

    1. Hey there! That's great advice about not doing too much too fast and I am trying so hard to listen to my body FOR SURE! :)

      Thanks so much, we love him to pieces!!

      Thanks for finding me, for the follow and for taking the time to comment! :)
