Friday, February 28, 2014

Five on Friday [LATE Night Edition!]

Well hello, lovelies! Here I sit with a glass of vino, trying to squeeze in the Five on Friday that got away from me today. Raise your Friday night cocktail (for those of you who are still awake) and read along to see what things I'm loving this week! Here we go! 

1. New Stepping Stools

Now that we have these beautiful new closets, I quickly realized I was way too short to reach the top clothing bars. I didn't want a plastic stepping stool to clash with the dark wood in the closets, so I scoured the internet and found these beauties. They came fully assembled and are compact and the perfect size! I purchased two--one for our closet and one for the nursery closet. 

2. Baskets 

I wanted to get some baskets for the cubby holes in the nursery closet. When I open the closets, I wanted a way to store the random things (stuffed animals and toys, for example), to create function and have it be done in a way that left the closet still looking organized. I was going to go around to some of my usual basket stores--World Market, Target, etc.--but found these at Babies R Us. They are made by Koala Baby and look absolutely perfect in the nursery closet!

3. Sinful Pairing

People say they get some of their best ideas when working out. Well, this is a good/bad idea (more like a random craving) that I came up with while working out the other day:
A piece of chocolate cake. A teaspoon of hot chocolate syrup poured over the chocolate cake. Top with a handful of raspberries. Take a bite of chocolate raspberry concoction. Now take a sip of the pinot noir. Yumm. 

 I justified the pairing because I had only a very small portion. (Like a quarter of a small slice of cake.) It was SINFULLY delicious!

4. Nipple brush

As one of our baby shower gifts, we received a wonderful bottle brush to help quickly clean out the several bottles we'd be going through with a newborn.(This was of course a gift from a new mom!) I absolutely love the brush and as I was cleaning bottle after bottle, nipple after nipple, true to my OCD nature I thought, "there has to be some device to more effectively reach up into these nipples". Sure enough, they sell these little buggers for people like me that have to get these things cleaned out perfectly. I love, love, love this thing! 

5. March 1

Now, I know that March 1st in Michigan (particularly THIS year) does not mean it's going to be warm right away. In fact, I think we're in for a whopping 28 degrees tomorrow, which sadly, is an improvement. However, I am still excited because we are officially out of the winter months come March 1st. It's the first "spring month". So, even though it will still be frickin' cold for a bit of time to come, we are ON OUR WAY to warmer weather!! 

Have a wonderful weekend!!


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