Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Getting Started Is The Hardest Part - Week 3

So, this weather constantly feels like a huge drag and hindrance upon my workout attempts. But even if I don't complete all my workouts, I never stop trying to drag myself to the gym. Also, each week feels like a new start!! With that said, let's move to week 3!

Week 3 

1. Begin incorporating jogging intervals into cardio sessions

I actually got a head start on this one late in Week 2. During my thirty minute cardio sessions (which have actually slowly crept up to 40 - 45 minutes), I've started implementing a few jogging intervals (just three minutes at a time) into my treadmill routine. 

To be clear, I've never been a great jogger, much less a great runner. 

I'm slowly getting back into a routine,though. It is even more difficult than I remember. However, by the second time I incorporated jogging intervals into my cardio session, my body was already starting to feel less like a few hundred pounds of steel bouncing up and down and more like a human trying to run. 

I won't stop trying. I won't quit. I won't give up. 

2. Improve plank endurance

Last week, I started planks. I actually started off with an ab workout that had one plank move at the end. Since my doctor recommended planks as the best ab workout, I quickly changed my ab routine to planks only. (I throw in other ab workouts if I have time or if I'm feeling a burst of energy.)

I have just recently started the plank workout routine above, but modified it so each position only lasts 30 seconds. Seriously, that is all I can handle until these abs and my endurance build up a little. I'm struggling by the end. To be fair, I do these plank routines near the end of my gym session, so I've already worked my body pretty hard by this point. 

Good luck with Week 3!



  1. Getting back into a workout routine is so hard! I have been trying for four workouts a week. I am going to try your plank workout today - thanks for sharing!

    1. My thought is that even if I only make it through half of the workouts I originally planned, I'm still doing so much more than before!

      My pleasure! Planks are a killer! :)

