Monday, September 8, 2014

Six Months Old

Our little buddy is HALFWAY THROUGH his first year of life!
Jackson Nazir Morgan
Six months old on 6-18-14
Milestones and Memories
1. First and Second Tooth

So, on the VERY DAY we left for a trip to New Orleans sans Jackson, my mom called me while we were in our connecting flight city to tell me that GG (Great Grandma Mary Jo) discovered his first tooth popped through! And, the day was on May 18th--his official 6 month mark. Believe me, I had a moment of mom guilt for not being there to feel this tooth. But, even if I stayed home and never left, the possibility of missing something important exists for us all. 

On day two of being away from the baby, my mom called me while I was in Jackson Square (oh, the irony) to "report" that Jackson's SECOND tooth just came in. I thought, "dogggone it!" While I could not be there to, I don't know...feel the tooth..I was happy to hear of my sweetie's progress.

2. First Father's Day
My family started doing a Father's Day brunch a handful of years ago and this brunch was a great way to celebrate Thomas' first Father's Day and Jackson's first time of celebrating his dad!

As usual, my family had a TON of food. (This is just a small sample of all the food that was present.) 

Thomas' presents...

After brunch with our extended family, we went on a picnic, just the three of us. 

This is one of my absolute favorite pictures of Jackson. 


Like father, like son.

 3. First Rainstorm

This wasn't the first time it rained since Jackson was born, but, this was the first hard rain we received where Jackson was old enough to be aware that the stuff falling from the sky was pretty darned interesting.

4. Growing, Growing, Growing!

As much as I do not miss the sleepless nights and I am enjoying the growing interaction between me and my little buddy, it is pretty sad to see how much he is growing. Time is just slipping away so quickly. 

It seems like every time I turn around, I'm packing up clothes that no longer fit. 

Le sigh. Sniff, sniff.

5. Becoming Quite the Little Artist

I know I sound like a broken record I'm sure, but Jackson's school is amazing. They always do art projects for holidays, but they also randomly send them home with little works of art like the ones below. I love that my buddy is having so much fun while mom and dad are working. (And the best part is the mess is at school! Score!) 

6. Memorial Day Weekend and 6 Month Pictures

This Memorial Day weekend, we actually just hung out together and had no big plans. It was so nice to not have a jam-packed schedule and to just have extra time to hang out with Jackson.

Apparently Sears and Olan Mills no longer are in business for photos in our area when we needed to take six month pictures for Jackson. Luckily my mom and one of my nieces had recently gotten pictures taken at a relatively new spot in town called Portrait Renovations. We were able to get in and out quickly, had our pictures before we left and we did not spend a fortune. It was perfect. This is a picture of Jackson in outfit number two. Before he had a meltdown. Between outfit number two and three. I don't blame you, kiddo!

7. First School Pictures

Our little guy looked so dapper for his very first school pictures! You can't see the adorable tie in this picture due to the way he was positioned, but he was seriously ready for the cameras. :) 


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