Sunday, January 13, 2013

Coffee. Wine. Music.

Last weekend with New Year's resolutions in tow, my husband and I decided to get out of the house on a dreary Michigan Sunday afternoon and go to a local coffee shop. We were greeted with this colorful door that seemed to pop out of the brick and mortar. A nice surprise on such a gray day.
The building was a two story, vivid, colorful shop with local artists' work lining the walls. Local musicians and vocalists had prepared a full schedule of performance selections. Wine, food and coffee were being served. The performances were amazing and varied. Here are a couple of shots of the artists:

The coffee was strong just how I like it and it was such a nice way to break up a Sunday afternoon when you're dreading the return of Monday and the workweek.

What's your favorite thing to do on lazy Sundays? 



  1. I rarely have lazy Sunday's, they are my church and volunteer day.

  2. Very true! I told Thomas I'd like to volunteer more this year. And I'm usually caught up in preparing for the week ahead on Sundays to have a "lazy day", but it sounds nice. And I know there must be someone out there having a lazy Sunday. :)

    I can't imagine you having any lazy days though, Chery. You are a woman on the move!

  3. I too went to the event. It was incredible. There are some very classy things going on in Lansing, Michigan.

  4. I agree. I have my second and last blog coming out soon as well. This blog will have a larger focus on Lansing events. :)
